sábado, 24 de febrero de 2018

English Grammar- Regular Verbs In Past Simple Tense

Irregular verbs - The cat song

Regular Verbs And Irregular Verbs

Learn Past Tense Verbs 2

How to say the DATE in English

Where Do They Work?

What does your father do?

When I grow up

Talking about Jobs and Occupations: English Language

Everyday actions

What´s the time?

What time do you get up?

The daily routines

"Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night"

Can you fly ?

Animals and Actions Song

Rainbow colours

Jump, Run and Shout! | Action song for kids

I Can | Simple Song for Children

What Can You Do?

Wild animals. What do you see?

I can dance

I see something blue

Counting 1-10 song

One little finger

Head, shoulders, knees and toes